Friday, November 8, 2019

2019-2020 Preschool Blog

Naperville Park District Preschool Blog
November 8, 2019

All classes have officially ended our first unit on families. I hope everybody enjoyed the learning showcase. I know the children were very excited to show you all of their hard work. Next week we will begin the unit on friends. In this unit the students will explore the concepts of friendship, how to be a good friend and ways to resolve conflicts with friends. Through the literature in this unit, the children will learn about the importance of being who you are, helping a friend, enjoying special times with friends, and cooperating with one another. In addition to the literature the children will also work on identifying rhyming words, vocabulary words, comprehension skills, and beginning letter sound associations.
Favorite Preschool Recipe: Fake Snow
3 cups baking soda
½ cup of white hair conditioner
Mix the baking soda and conditioner  together using your hand (not a spoon). If it feels too sticky, add more baking soda. If it feels too dry, add more conditioner.
Allow your child to play with it. It will feel cool to the touch and it will mold together so your child will be able to make a snowman inside.

Mark Your Calendars:
 No school from November 25th -November 29th for Thanksgiving Break
Parent Teacher Conferences for the 4’s and Pre-K classes December 5th and 6th

As always thank you for sharing your children with us..