Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2019-2020 Naperville Park District Preschool Blog

The preschool classes are working on the unit called Wind and Water. In this unit the children learn about different types of weather. We would like to share a few simple science activities that go along with weather that you may enjoy doing with your child.
Snow Storm in a Jar
Materials Needed:
·         Jar
·         White Paint
·         Baby oil
·         Glitter
·         Alka Seltzer
·         Water
·         Bowl Spoon

1.      Fill jar ¾ fill of baby oil
2.      Pour white paint and water into the bowl and stir it together
3.      Pour paint/water mixture into jar
4.      Add glitter
5.      Allow glitter and paint to settle in the bottom of the jar
6.      Put in Alka Seltzer
Watch the snow storm start
7.      Add more Alka Seltzer to make it snow harder

The snow will go over the jar so be sure to place a towel on the table to help with the mess

Cloud in Jar
Materials Needed:
·         Hot water
·         Jar with a lid
·         Ice
·         Hairspray

1.      Pour hot water into the jar
2.      Quick spray of hairspray
3.      Place the ice on the lid and place it on top of the jar
4.      Watch cloud form in the jar
5.      Lift the lid the cloud will escape
Raining Cotton Balls
Materials Needed:
·         Jar
·         Small plastic cup that fits inside the jar
·         Cotton balls
·         Optional blue dye for water

1.      Poke holes in the bottom in the plastic cup
2.      Place it inside the jar
3.      Fill the plastic cup with cotton balls
4.      Pour water into cup and watch it rain
5.      If you place your hand over the cup the rain with stop. Once you remove your hand the rain will begin again

We hope you enjoy these fun experiments.
As always, thank you for sharing your children with us.

Sherri Swanson
Early Childhood Coordinator