Friday, October 9, 2020

Mrs. Boyle & Mrs. Melby Pre K at RCC Room 101

Mrs. Boyle & Mrs. Melby 
Pre K at RCC Room 101
October 9, 2020

Welcome to Room 101’s Blog!  We have been busy these past few weeks learning our morning routine, helping establish classroom agreements and becoming more independent. We built a class puzzle and had fun working together.  Each child was able to chose a puzzle piece and decorate it.  We then worked together as a class to put it together.  Every piece is very important and fits together, to make our class puzzle complete!  Can you pick out which puzzle piece is your child's? 

The dramatic play is a very important center.  In this center, the children  learn to play as a group and role play while learning important social skills and language development.  They are learning to take turns, share, problem solve and offer help when a friend needs it.  

The children have begun to form new friendships and are playing well together. They enjoyed cooking and cleaning together in dramatic play.  They even had delivery trucks from the block center to assist with the food deliveries. 

When we go the the Gross Motor room we have a blast. There are always lots of giggles and laughs. The children enjoyed a dance party with colorful scarfs, playing a game called touch blue, and playing with the parachute; trying to keep the balls inside the parachute.  

 The children enjoyed exploring and building with bristle blocks.  They got creative and built things 
such as cars, towers and flowers.  

We even were able to measure things with the blocks including the teachers, the furniture and even ourselves!


We had fun experimenting with watercolor painting.  We learned it can get a bit messy but it is a fantastic way to explore their creativity. The children enjoyed spending a long time painting and discussing their creations with their friends. 

This year each child has their own play dough!  It is exciting because it is marked with their name and pattern on it and no one else gets to play with it!  The children have enjoyed making cookies and bread with the play dough.  It was the perfect first day go to activity and was very soothing and calming for 
them, all while strengthening the muscles in their hands.
It was great to see the children trying to complete the puzzles on their own and if they couldn't do it
they asked for help from a friend.  

We are busy in Pre-K having lots of fun, being creative and learning all at the same time!

On Thursday, October 29th, we will be celebrating Halloween in preschool.  Your child is invited to wear his/her costume to school that day.  We ask that your child not wear face painting, Halloween masks or bring in any weapons or props.  For your child's safety, gym shoes please!! Face coverings are still required.  Our class on that day will only meet for 1 hour from 9:15-10:15 a.m.


Important dates: 

October 12, 2020 – No School Columbus Day

October 29, 2020- Halloween Celebration

November 4, 2020- No School Teacher's Institute 

November 23-27, 2020 - Thanksgiving Break

Thank you for visiting our blog!

Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Melby

Pre-K @ RCC