Pre-K Fall Fun in Room 101
Mrs. Melby & Mrs. Boyle
November 13, 2020
October was a very busy month for our Pre-K Class. We learned and had lots of fun each day. While we definitely worked on our writing, math and science skills; the kids also learned so much more. We are learning how to be a friend and classmate with one another. We are beginning to see this in our room and are very excited.
At the writing table, we worked on many things. Often times you will find us writing books. This month we wrote books about taking care of babies and what we were going to be for Halloween. We also talked about signs and how they were important because they tell us what to do. We then made our own signs.
At the block center, we were very busy building. This month we created buildings and our homes. We also talked about ramps and inclines and made our own ramps to test out on the rug. We learned that both the steeper the incline and the weight of the ball would impact how fast the ball would roll down the ramp.
The art table is always a very busy one in our room. Whether we use paint brushes, sponges, dot painters and even droppers the children are always very eager to create. Above you will see us color mixing using droppers and liquid watercolors.
At the math center we created buildings using one inch cubes. We even used them to measure our class pumpkin. It was so exciting to count how many cubes we used.
At the easel, we worked on our one to one correspondence skills.
We worked on strengthening the muscles in our hands. We use the scissors to cut. Tweezers to sort our pretend "sushi".
For Halloween we had a class pumpkin. We were able to look at the inside of the pumpkin when we scooped out all the seeds.
We even created an experiment using baking soda and vinegar where we got to see it explode!
It was so fun enjoying some Halloween fun together!
Looking ahead:
November 23-27 No school - Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd - Parent / Teachers Conferences
December 11th - December Blog posted
December 21- January 5th - Winter Break
We have such a great class and we are enjoying each day together. Thanks to everyone for helping support us in the classroom and out. We are able to have school each day with all of your help and we truly appreciate all of your efforts.
We hope that you have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Thanks again,
Mrs. Melby & Mrs. Boyle