Friday, November 6, 2020

Miss Julie and Miss Linda 4’s at Seager

Miss Julie and Miss Linda 4’s at Seager
November 6, 2020

Welcome to Our Outdoor Classroom 

In October we have had so much fun
It is time to look at all we have done 

We enjoy learning and playing with everybody 

As Families was our unit of study

Our centers included literacy, art, fine motor, even math

And we love exploring a new hiking path

On hikes we saw fall colors are all around

while collecting nature from the ground

We used the twigs to paint our art

And sorted leaves by colors to tell them apart 

We wrap up each day with a song and a book 

Below are pictures to share from our class, please take a closer look. 

Using nature to paint at easels. Our beautiful background helps with creative inspiration. 

Small group learning with a teacher. Here they are making Bambaloo masks from the book
Sometimes I am Bambaloo. 

How would you describe the emotions of this mask? Happy? Silly? Excited?
We talked about our many different emotions. 

Geoboards are used to practice fine motor, math, and problem solving. 

Some of our animal family toys found themselves stuck under tape.
Our class practiced using scissors to cut the animals free. 

On muddy days, we use the tarp in dramatic play.
We played with animal families and built shelters for the animals with Legos.

We read and talked about houses where people and animals might live.
We built houses with cups and Legos. 

We fished out letters hidden in the sensory table and found the matching letter on the magnetic board. 

Stringing color patterns with straws onto yarn

We used the easel to put animal family number puzzles together. 

Rainy days won’t stop us from having fun and learning.
Here we are using different size droppers and water colors. 

We love hiking and collecting nature on the beautiful trails at Seager.


Pennies for Pies ends November 20

No School the week of November 23-27

Thanksgiving break

No School Friday, December 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences

No School December 21-January 5 Winter Break