Ms. Patti and Ms. Michelle
3's T/Th Class at Knoch Knolls
October 13 - November 12, 2020
Making a big pizza |
Checking out the rocks and logs (We have to climb them so we can see them better!) |
Delicious food being made |
Making ramps and inclines |
Happy Halloween! |
On our way into class, we have to stop and play in the snow! |
Grouping the turtles and frogs |
We found Osage Oranges. |
Arranging the tracks to see if the spinner will go down them |
Leaves are amazing! |
Enjoying our pizza parlor |
We have a room full of Bombaloos!
Thursday, Nov. 19 - Hat Day!
Monday, Nov. 23 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Thursday, Dec. 17 - Pajama Day!
Ms. Patti and Ms. Michelle