Friday, March 12, 2021

Mrs.Haris and Mrs.Sebring 2 Plus at RCC

Mrs. Haris and Mrs. Sebring
2 plus MWF at RCC 

Counting and number matching with friends

Working on our fine motor skills and color matching

Learning about shapes
 Making "squares and rectangles"with waffle blocks.

Playing with playdough

Painting with egg  cartons to make
different patterns.


Counting is fun 

Singing and dancing together 

Learning about farm animals and building our own farm

Singing" The wheel of a bus goes round and round all through the town"

Feather painting 

Pretending shaving cream is snow
Painting with trucks to make cool tire tracks

 Dates to remember
Spring break: March 27th to April 6th

Class resumes on April 7, 2021