Friday, March 12, 2021

Ms. Nicole and Ms. Sandy Pre-K at RCC


Ms. Nicole and Ms. Sandy Pre-K at RCC

February 13, 2021 to March 11, 2021 

Testing to see if our boats will float and seeing if we can move them by using a paper plate as wind.

How many people will it take to sink our boat? The children made many guesses but the boat could hold more people than we thought. We counted 25 people.

How many people will it take to sink our boat?
The children made many predictions.
The boat could hold more people than we thought. We counted 25 people.

Discussing which objects will sink or float. Then testing the object to see if it sinks or float. Afterwards the children said why they thought the objects would sink or float.

Our results

Matching numbers to dots.

Putting stories in chronological order

 What happens when you add vinegar to baking soda

Our rainbow experiment.

What happens when you add salt to ice?

Testing to see if the marker is waterproof

Making rainsticks

Making clouds hoping it would snow in our room

Since it snowed in our room the class decided to make a snowman.

Look at our great snowman!

Oh no! It's raining!

We had a lot of fun with precipitation!

Ms. Nicole and Ms. Sandy

Dates to remember:

March 29-April 6            No school - Spring Break

April 7                              Classes Resume