Miss Julie and Miss Linda 4’s Seager |
We continued with our unit on wind and water this month by designing structures that can withstand rain |
And we used gears to make moving wind mills and a giant weather vane
We talked about storms and painted the different types of clouds
And researched about various types of weather during read aloud.
We learned about animal families and played an animal baby memory game to find each matching pair
Then we pretended to be animals and built rabbit shelters, bear dens, and also an alligator’s lair
In art we created a colorful rain stick
In dramatic play we cared for animals in our pretend vet clinic
We designed and experimented with boats using clay
And we decided freeze dance is a class favorite at the end of the day
We are counting with numbers and making patterns in math
And investigating various animal habitats and following their unique footprint path
We finished this unit looking at how animal coverings are used for camouflage and protection
Now we begin a new unit titled Shadows and Reflection
At Seager we continue to learn, grow, and play
We hope you enjoy these photos of what we do during the day
Building shelters for animals using Legos, blocks, and magnaitiles |
First, we made sock bunnies. Then we made dens for our bunnies. Take a look at at this multi room den. |
We love being engineers! |
Working together using gears to build moving windmills and other amazing inventions with moving parts. |
Calling all veterinarians to care for our pets and insects at our vet clinic. Using bandages and looking at x-rays to heal our animals.
Cutting with a purpose. |
Cutting and gluing to create animal ear crowns so we can pretend to be a fox, a bear, or a rabbit. Each child created an animal ear that was unique just like them. |
We read the book Rabbits and Raindrops and then used drip art with eye droppers to paint precipitation. |
Beans in the sensory table to fill our colorful homemade rain sticks. We had fun playing with beans. |
Pretending to be animals. Can you find who is pretending to be a bunny and also a bear? |
We all worked together to build life size homes for pretending to be animals. This rabbit den looks like it has a chimney. |