Welcome back and happy spring!
The kids love to start their day off with our good morning song and dancing.
This picture does not show how well the kids can dance. But none the less,
it is our favorite way to start the day.
Over the last several weeks, we have been busy in our class exploring and learning all about shadows, reflections and sources of light. The children have found their shadows while waiting in carpool line or just when they are walking down the stairs in the morning. Shadows are all around us.
We loved learning about both natural and artificial light sources. Here the kids are working together to sort them.
Dinosaurs and flashlights make shadows even more interesting.
In the building blocks, we built skyscrapers and added different light sources, such as overhead projector and/or flashlights, to do some shadow tracing.
We moved free art to the rug and used some reflective materials to
create our own masterpieces. Here some children are exploring shadows and how they changed when they stood closer or further from the screen. We learned the closer we were the larger the shadow was.
"Look I made a reflectivespoon-a-copter!" and
"I made the number one with play dough!"
enjoy going on a canoe ride or just sitting around the camp fire roasting some
hot dogs and marshmallows.
In the gym we played a game called mirror me. The kids had
partners and took turns being the mirror. There were lots of
laughs with this activity.
Our kids get very creative and work well together to come up with some fun activities to play in the gym, whether it is doing push-ups together or working on their balance. They always have a great time.

At the end of our day, the quiet center can be a popular place to be but our
kids enjoy taking their books to the rug to read so more people can enjoy them.
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog.
Important Dates:
May 20, 2021 - No School Parent/Teacher Conferences
May 31, 2021- No School Memorial Day
June 4, 2021- Graduation Day
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Melby
Pre-K in room 101