Ms. Nicole and Ms. Sandy Pre-K
May 14, 2021
We have been busy learning about Chinese Calligraphy, planting gardens, symmetry, and the life cycle of a butterfly.
We started an egg experiment. One egg went in water and another egg went in vinegar. Have your child keep you up to date on what is happening to our classroom egg.
Making symmetrical faces. |
Having fun exploring inclines with my classmates and enjoying watching where the wheel will land.
If I was a bird, my nest would look like this. |
Wow! I didn't know you could paint with flowers. |
Look at the cool flower I can make with beans. |
Look at the bridge I can make. |
Painting with material that birds can make a nest with. |
Matching upper and lower case letters. |
Having fun playing guess that letter in the bag! |
Buying and planting flowers. |
Having a blast writing calligraphy in shaving cream! |
Looking for rhyming matches. |
Sorting objects by sound. |
Thanks for visiting our blog.
Ms. Nicole and Ms. Sandy
Dates to remember:
May 20, 2021 No school. Parent teacher conference.
May 31, 2021 No school. Memorial Day
June 4, 2021 Graduation